Yaa Teeh!
This week has really been an interesting week, I'm going to call this week, the week of patience. :)
So on Monday after we got finished with E-mails we needed to go to Farmington to have some interviews with President Batt. We did those and then did our grocery shopping at wal mart around 5. Well we were in the check out line and E. Reeder said something was wrong with his heart. We called Sister Batt and a Doctor and we were instructed to go to the Urgent Care right next door. So we did. They took him back and I stayed up front and filled out the paper work. Funny enough while I was waiting, without a companoin, for them to come get me the person that was their was a member from Farmington that was either an Elder or High Priest. Then he left and right then a couple came up and sat down and started talking to me. They were members and he had served a mission. So I was still with a make shift companion almost the entire time. Finally they came and got me and took me back. They were going to take E. Reeder to the Hospital in an ambulance. So I took his clothes and climbed in the truck and waited for the ambulance. I was hoping for a big escort to the hospital with lights and all. Nope. Just regular traffic rules. It was REALLY weird to be in the truck alone. REALLY WEIRD!!!!! So I got to the hospital and waited to be shown where E Reeder was. Finally I got back their. We were then informed that President Batt was on his was down. So he got there and we just sat and waited, doctors and nurses came and went doing different things. But the entire time E. Reeder was talking even though both Pres. Batt and I were asking him to be quite so his heart rate would go down. That was the issue. His heart rate was at 147 while he was laying down. 3 hours past in the hospital, so it was around 10 and we had the Zone Leaders come and one of them went with me. (They were in a trio.) So I had E. Jamison and E. Tolman and E. Krstyen were together. So we finally drove home and didn't get to bed until 11ish.
Tuesday we got a call early in the morning to get ready and go to the hospital and do our studies their. So we did. While we were their a hospital clergy walked in. E. Reeder almost flipped out. It was rather interesting. I think the only reason he didn't is because we were there but also Sister Batt was their. Around 11 President Batt came. He told us we could go and do some prosolighting and that he had talked to Salt Lake and E. Reeder was going home. They don't mess with heart issues. They had also found out what was wrong. It was an atreal flutter, an electrical problem with the heart. So we left and did a few hours of prosolighting and then we got a call from President to come and get E. Reeder. So we did. President Batt also gave us some instructions for the next few days. Mainly no seeing people, and that their had to be 2 missionaries with E. Reeder at all times. So E. Jamison and I stayed together with E. Reeder.
Wednesday was an extended P-day by Presidents orders. He also told us to go to the Aztec Ruins. So we did, it wasn't really that good, the only realy cool part was the great Kiva in the middle. The whole thing took about 20 minutes to see. It would've costed 5 dollars per person except I had my Military ID so I got us all in for free. :D Then we went up to the church and I started learning a new song on the piano that someone had given me, "River Flows in You". That song is SOOOOOO cool but pretty hard at the same time. Then we went back to the house and heard non-stop talking from E. Reeder. That night I was in charge of Mutual. We played a donut on a string game. Where they had to eat the donut that was tied on a string without using their hands. We also had some other games, I had a good time.
Thursday we had District Meeting. I love being able to be lead by the spirit while I am teaching. It makes things go soooo much better. I gave my lesson on how to change people, how President Monson had said to do it. Then we went into Farmington and had E. Reeder do some stuff before he went home. He got his flight info and we learned who would be taking him to the airport. We didn't have a meet up place or time yet. Then we spent the rest of the night at home with just the 3 of us. I also learned that my new companion would be E. Krstyen, E. Jamison's companion in Aztec 1st ward. So that is how I spent my Halloween. :) Later that night we got a call and were told where we were to meet up with the person who would be taking E Reeder to the airport. We were to meet him in a grocery store parking lot at 5 30 in the morning. This is sounding way to much like the Marine Corps sleeping schedule here. :) haha.
Friday we got up at 4 45 and got E. Reeder all ready to go. Then we made the switch and we went over and crashed at Aztec 1st until 6 30. Then we had studies and I took E. Krstyen to Flora Vista. He is awesome! I really enjoy being his companion. He is from a town close to Holliday Utah and he played soccer in high school. :D Ya, this is going to be good! :D :D We did a lot of planning that day so nothing else really happened.
Saturday we had a lesson with a guy who was really aggressive with us. Eventually I said, "If you want to know for yourself if our religion is true, read and pray about the Book of Mormon." That was an interesting lesson. We also had a really great lesson with our recent convert family. We watched the movie on President Monson's life.
Sunday we had testimony meeting. The father of our recent convert family got up and started talking about how when he heard we were coming over he was disappointed that he couldn't watch his own movies. Then he said that he had really been inspired by the movie on President Monson. It's cool to see how the spirit works in people. :D Then E. Krstyen, when we were home asked me to give him a blessing. I'm so glad to be worthy to do that!
Well I gtg. Until Next time, thanks for all the support, Hagonet!
Elder Bryson Chipman
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