Marine Background

Monday, January 12, 2015

Navajo Code 1/12

       Yaa Teeh!

       Monday was a fun P-day, we got together with some other elders and played some football then we were able to go and see Mark. He is doing great!

       Tuesday we had Zone Conference so we drove up to Tuba City. We took 2nd in the vehicle inspection. It was weird cause it was my last zone conference, which meant that I gave my departing testimony. Then we drove home. 

       Wednesday we did a lot of walking. Then we had a member text us and ask if he could out with us sometime that day. That was cool, having a member ask if they could come out with us instead of us asking them if they can come out with us. The lesson that the member came with us to went really well. So, again, members are amazing!!! 

       Thursday we did some family history, that's way fun! I love doing family history. I never said that I was good at it, I just enjoy it. :) Then we got to go on splits. It was a really good day even though all 6 of our appointments fell through.

       Friday we had an apartment inspection. Then we found we had a lot of mold growing around the windows and under Elder Cook's dresser. So we spent a lot of time cleaning all the Mold. Then we had some good lessons that night.

       Saturday it rained... and we went walking. Landon, one of the member that we go with a lot, got his mission call to the California Riverside mission. We also got transfer news. I'm staying in Holbrook with Elder Cook and we are getting Elder Staley. Good stuff.

      Sunday was good. Had church then got to go see Mark. 

      Hope you all have a good week. Until next time, Hagoonee'! 

Elder Chipman

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